ASHEBORO – Todd Daniel said he’s concerned about the reduction of certain liberties because of pandemic-related restrictions and that has caused him to enter the 2022 race for a seat among the Randolph County commissioners.
“This past spring I’ve had some people ask me to run, representing the values of the county,” Daniel said.
Daniel, 51, ran unsuccessfully for a county seat in 2014, part of a three-way race.
He’s aiming to take the seat of incumbent David Allen in District 3.
“It is time for conservative Americans to rise up and defend the values of our nation and heritage,” Daniel said. “The election for Randolph County commissioner is not about who is the White House or in the Governor’s Mansion in Raleigh. It is about what is going on around your house.”
The primary is set for March 8.
It’s unclear if Allen will seek re-election. In a message to the Randolph Record, Allen said: “The filing period is still several months away. Therefore, I will announce a decision regarding re-election later this fall. I will be happy to let you know my intentions at that time.”
Daniel, while noting the severity of the coronavirus pandemic that has claimed the lives of people he has known, said he was disturbed by some restrictions placed on churches among the pandemic-related regulations that were established.
“We must hold elected officials accountable for his/her votes,” Daniel said. “Whether those votes are for agendas that do not reflect the values of this county or if they are against the values of this county, we must say to local elected officials, ‘You must stand with the people that you represent.’ ”
Daniel, a Baptist minister, has been a teacher and administrator at Faith Christian in Ramseur, where he’s also the boys’ basketball coach, for 25 years.
He said decisions made by commissioners in the largely Republican-leaning county should be more reflective of the constituents. He wanted to make his intentions known early.
“I’m running against an incumbent,” he said. “Any help by getting out there in advance is something I want to do.”
Daniel has four children ranging in age from 12 to 24.
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