First Medicaid expansion data shared

Nearly 2,000 Hoke County residents already enrolled

North Carolina Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper signs a Medicaid expansion law at the Executive Mansion on Monday, March 27, 2023, in Raleigh, N.C. Advocates say the bill could help 600,000 adults. (AP Photo/Hannah Schoenbaum)

More than 600,000 North Carolinians are newly eligible for health coverage through a recent expansion of NC Medicaid, and the state has recently shared numbers on how many residents have enrolled in the expansion.

Hoke County has seen 1,938 newly eligible adults sign up for Medicaid, some six percent of the county’s 32,270 adult population between 19 and 64 years of age. This data is current as of December 1, though the data was only recently made available by the state. Numbers will be updated monthly.

“Hundreds of people each day are gaining health care coverage and getting the care they need,” said NC Health and Human Services Secretary Kody H. Kinsley in a press release. “Our work continues with state and community partners to support enrollment efforts to ensure as many people as possible can get covered.”

In total, 272,937 North Carolina residents have signed up for the program, with nearly 33 percent of whom are under the age of 30. Most of that 273,000 were part of the family planning population who were automatically moved to full Medicare coverage as part of the expansion.

To learn more (including income requirements) or to find out if you’re eligible, visit