HUDSON: It’s time to stop kicking the can down the road

Hurricane Ian at peak intensity while approaching southwest Florida, on Sept. 28. (Photo via NOAA)

Last week, our state and nation received a dangerous reminder about the importance of being prepared for severe weather.

Hurricane Ian has devastated communities across the southeast, and Renee and I continue to pray for everyone impacted by the storm, as well as those affected by Hurricane Fiona in Puerto Rico and beyond. While North Carolina was spared the worst of this latest disaster, we cannot let our guard down. We all remember it was only a few years ago that we had two major storms hit North Carolina that caused flooding and damage across the state. Hurricane season lasts until the end of November, and I urge everyone to be prepared and listen to local emergency officials when severe weather occurs. Visit for tips on how to get prepared and stay safe.

Moving forward, I will continue to work with President Joe Biden and Gov. Roy Cooper to ensure families and businesses in our state and across the country get the resources they need to recover from this latest hurricane.

Unfortunately, in Washington, many of my colleagues spent last week kicking the can down the road on Congress’ most basic responsibility: funding the government.

Last week, Congress passed a last-minute temporary budget resolution to avoid a government shutdown on Friday. However, the measure passed by Washington Democrats will only fund the government through December 16th, at which point lame duck Democrats can develop a longer-term budget matching their progressive agenda without having to answer for it in November’s election.

Due to miscues by President Biden and Washington Democrats, our nation’s economy is in a precarious state, with inflation at 8.3% and the price of goods and services remaining sky-high. Gas is up 25.6%, electricity 15.8%, and eggs 39.8%, to name a few. Our strategic petroleum reserve, critical in times of disasters like hurricanes, has also been depleted by Biden to its lowest level since 1984. Additionally, the Left has compromised the safety and security of families nationwide, as crime rates surge due to soft-on-crime policies and millions of illegal migrants continue to flood across our border.

All the while, liberal lawmakers continue to drag their feet or pursue policies that will make our nation’s challenges worse. Last week, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office reported that Biden’s student loan bailout plan, for example, will cost taxpayers $400 billion. This measure will increase inflation and our national deficit, as well as unfairly force those who never went to college, worked hard to pay loans, or earned education benefits by serving in our military to foot the bill.

One thing is clear: Washington Democrats continue to procrastinate on addressing the issues most important to you and your family because they don’t have a plan. However, Republicans do have a plan.

Our “Commitment to America” plan is a detailed roadmap that aims to set our nation in a new direction and make a better future for you and your family. We will work to build an economy that’s strong by cutting reckless spending, boosting American energy production, and creating an economic environment that fosters growth, increases pay, and lowers costs. Through our plan, Republicans will work to build a nation that’s safe by securing our border, cracking down on crime, and stopping the flow of deadly drugs into the U.S. We will also ensure a nation built on freedom and a government that’s accountable to you by protecting your constitutional rights, providing rigorous oversight over federal agencies, and pursuing policies that give you more control over what is taught in your child’s school.

Our plan also involves personalizing health care to provide more affordable options and better quality. Last week, I moved us in the right direction as the House overwhelmingly passed my bipartisan MOBILE Health Care Act. I look forward to this bill becoming law to help expand health care access in rural and underserved communities in North Carolina and beyond.

This is a common-sense solution that we need more of in Congress. Yet Washington Democrats continue to kick the can down the road, putting off until tomorrow what needs to be done today. My Republican colleagues and I have a plan. I will continue to stay focused on solutions for the most pressing issues facing you and your family and on building a freer, safer, and more prosperous future for all.

Richard Hudson is serving his fifth term representing North Carolina’s 8th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. He currently serves on the Energy and Commerce Committee and in House leadership as the Republican Conference Secretary.