
HUDSON: Protecting our veterans & honoring our fallen heroes
As the representative of the largest Army base in the world, making sure our community’s veterans, troops, and their families get the support they deserve is among my top priorities. At the end of July, […]

HUDSON: Defending life and our veterans
Life. It’s the first unalienable right endowed by God listed in our Declaration of Independence. It’s something we celebrate on this Mother’s Day. And it’s also something I am committed to defending as a dad […]

HUDSON: They fought for us; let’s fight for them
Just before Veterans Day in 1983, President Ronald Reagan said, “Veterans know better than anyone else the price of freedom, for they’ve suffered the scars of war. We can offer them no better tribute than […]

Downtown parade honors veterans
Asheboro High school marching band performs on Sunset Street (PJ WARD-BROWN/NORTH STATE JOURNAL) ASHEBORO — Bands, tanks, and war heroes were on display in downtown Asheboro last week. In one of the first parades since […]