Franklinville family receives new heating system for Christmas

Triad Heating & Cooling owner Eric Ward presents Lily Barham as she hugs son Steven of Franklinville with a certificate for their annual Publisher Clearing House style free furnace giveaway on Dec. 22, 2021 in Franklinville. (PJ WARD-BROWN/NORTH STATE JOURNAL)

Triad Heating & Cooling owner Eric Ward presents Lily Barham as she hugs son Steven of Franklinville with a certificate for their annual Publisher Clearing House style free furnace giveaway on Dec. 22, 2021 in Franklinville. (PJ WARD-BROWN/NORTH STATE JOURNAL)

FRANKLINVILLE — One Franklinville family rested easier over Christmas with a new furnace courtesy of Triad Heating & Cooling. Lily Barham won the heating system after her friends and family nominated her. The surprise was presented by Triad’s owner Eric Ward in a Publisher’s Clearinghouse-style front door presentation last Wednesday. “It makes me feel good that people care that much about me,” said Lily.

Triad Heating & Cooling owner Eric Ward presents Lily Barham of Franklinville with a certificate for their annual Publisher Clearing House style free furnace giveaway on Dec. 22, 2021 in Franklinville. Friends and family gathered prior to going to Lily home at Whites memorial Baptist Church and drove to her home. About 20 cars took part in this 10 min drive. (PJ WARD-BROWN/NORTH STATE JOURNAL)

Each year Triad Heating & Cooling gives away a new furnace to a deserving Randolph County resident before Christmas. This year’s recipient is known in her community as someone who is always willing to help others in need.

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