Providence Grove’s head coach Calvin Brown throws up 1 finger for the extra point after they took the opening kickoff to the house for a touchdown against Jordon-Mathews at PGHS in Climax, NC on September 3, 2021. Brown was named PAC Football Coach of the Year. PJ WARD-BROWN/NORTH STATE JOURNAL
ASHEBORO — The Piedmont Athletic Conference announced its All-Conference selections this week.
Boys’ cross country
Runner of the Year: Zach Hazelwood (Wheatmore)
Coach of the Year: John Ruiz (Providence Grove)
Jayten Beasley (Providence Grove), Robert Burton (Providence Grove), Justin Bush (Providence Grove), Evan Meadows (Providence Grove), Kadan Shoptaw (Providence Grove), Logan Stove (Providence Grove), Zach Hazelwood (Wheatmore), Jimmy Smith (Wheatmore), Hayden Yates (Wheatmore), Trajan Johnson (Trinity), Brody Gardner (Eastern Randolph).
Girls’ cross country
Runner of the Year: Jazmin Palma (Uwharrie Charter)
Coach of the Year: John Ruiz (Providence Grove)
Team: Jensen Auman (Providence Grove), Mia Browder (Providence Grove), Kaylan Currin (Providence Grove), Caroline DuVall (Providence Grove), Rori Frederick-Luther (Providence Grove), Sarah Majors (Providence Grove), Abbie Gudino (Uwharrie Charter), Jazmin Palma (Uwharrie Charter), Alexis Robbins (Randleman), Parker Sterling (Randleman), Allison Hill (Wheatmore).
Offensive Player of the Year: Luke Thomas (Providence Grove)
Defensive Player of the Year: Chase Whitaker (Providence Grove)
Coach of the Year: Calvin Brown (Providence Grove)
From Eastern Randolph: Elias Alston, Stratton Barwick, Devonte Brooks, Delonte Grover, Malachi Letterlough, Na’heim Lilly, Landon Loftin, John Maness, Jani Norwood, Mason Sechreast, Ladaryian Spinks, J’Aaron Wise.
From Providence Grove: Karson Bowman, Brett Breedlove, Zander Cheek, Zane Cheek, Brooks Freeman, Caleb Rogers, Luke Thomas, Curtis Wade, Chase Whitaker, Colton Wood.
From Southwestern Randolph: Easton Clapp, Adam Cole, Lane Dalke, Eli Gravely, Keaton Reed, Bryson Reed, Ernest Robbins, Clay Sugg.
From Randleman: Jozy Akins, Errvod Cassidy, Riley Edwards, Chris Gentry, Caden Lundsford, Sawyer McCollum, Gus Shelton.
From Trinity: Landon Carter, Griffin Dills, David Makupson, Dominic Payne, Evan Stepp.
From Wheatmore: Bryson Coltrane, Porter Grimes, Jackson Passmore, Dylan Wells.
Girls’ golf

Player of the Year: Caroline Wright (Providence Grove)
Coach of the Year: Chris Chapman (Southwestern Randolph)
Team: Anna Holloway (Providence Grove), Morgan Hielig (Providence Grove), Caroline Wright (Providence Grove), Lexi Auman (Southwestern Randolph), Lindsey Auman (Southwestern Randolph), Caiden McDuffie (Southwestern Randolph), Paula Palmer (Randleman), Elizabeth York (Randleman).
Boys’ soccer
Offensive Player of the Year: Yane Jaimes (Eastern Randolph)
Defensive Player of the Year: Aaron Bowser (Eastern Randolph)
Coach of the Year: Jared Raya (Eastern Randolph)
Team: Aaron Bowser (Eastern Randolph), Jaime Cortes (Eastern Randolph), Oscar Gonazalez (Eastern Randolph), Yane Jaimes (Eastern Randolph), Jonathan Perez (Eastern Randolph), Alei Torres (Eastern Randolph), Colby Chamblin (Uwharrie Charter), Max DeNamur (Uwharrie Charter), Jordan Harrison (Uwharrie Charter), Brady Mowers (Uwharrie Charter), Jake Perreira (Uwharrie Charter), Joseph Phetmixay (Uwharrie Charter), Jose Gonzalez (Trinity), Brenden Jenkins (Trinity), Logan May (Trinity), Moises Ventura (Trinity), Ryan Baynard (Wheatmore), Hunter Brooks (Wheatmore), Jagur Williams (Wheatmore), Jesus Garcia (Randleman), Nick Muro (Randleman), Francisco Vences (Randleman), Yahir Flores Fernandez (Southwestern Randolph), Steven Vences-Santos (Southwestern Randolph), Andres Carbajal (Providence Grove).
Girls’ tennis

Player of the Year: Kara Comer (Wheatmore)
Coach of the Year: Michelle Cable (Randleman)
Team: Kelly Carrick (Wheatmore), Kara Comer (Wheatmore), Mikalah Walls (Wheatmore), Hanna Wilson (Wheatmore), Amber Busk (Providence Grove), Audrie Frazier (Providence Grove), Anna Money (Providence Grove), Andee Bullard (Southwestern Randolph), Kaitlyn Gainey (Southwestern Randolph), Autumn Gentry (Trinity), Kenzi Johnson (Trinity), Lea Ingle (Uwharrie Charter), Emily Roach (Randleman).

Most Valuable Player: Payton Shiflet (Southwestern Randolph)
Defensive Player of the Year: Coley Shiflet (Southwestern Randolph)
Coach of the Year: Darby Kennedy (Southwestern Randolph)
Team: Josie Allred (Southwestern Randolph), Reagan LeRoy (Southwestern Randolph), Coley Shiflet (Southwestern Randolph), Payton Shiflet (Southwestern Randolph), Carleigh Whitson (Southwestern Randolph), Hannah Hinshaw (Randleman), Karli Kennington (Randleman), Bri Brooks (Uwharrie Charter), Gabi Greene (Uwharrie Charter), Gracie Hodgin (Wheatmore), Payton Rough (Wheatmore), Emma Mazzarone (Providence Grove), Jill Stern (Providence Grove), Gracie Ballard (Trinity).
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