Randolph County School System announces STAR students

Trinity Elementary is pictured in this 2021 file photo (NSJ FIle)

ASHEBORO — The Randolph County Schools announced their “STAR 3” Students for September, 2021. STAR 3 students are recognized for being “Respectful, Responsible, and Doing the Right Thing.” The Board of Education recognizes these students and their accomplishments at a designated board meeting. A school-based committee handles the selection of each school’s awards recipient. Family members and school staff are invited to a student’s recognition at a Board of Education meeting. Three students per year, per school are recognized as STAR3 Students.

Selection criteria for the STAR 3 program include passing grades in spite of obstacles, returning to school after dropping out and is on track to graduating, having good attendance, overcoming struggles in life, earning all S’s in behavior, having academic and/or club accomplishments, receiving a nomination from faculty members.

Archdale Elementary School — Rylan Moody — 5th Grade

Rylan Moody is a role model to his peers both inside and out of the classroom! He takes pride in all of his schoolwork and seeks help when needed. Rylan wants to do well and please everyone. He does an amazing job in balancing academics and sports throughout the school year. Rylan exhibits perseverance with all tasks, even those that are challenging. Archdale Elementary School is proud and excited to have Rylan Moody as our STAR3 Student for September.

Hopewell Elementary School — Harper Cathell — 3rd Grade

Harper Cathell is a sweet, beautiful, and intelligent person. She works hard in every subject to improve academically. When in doubt, she asks questions and never gives up. In addition, Harper has had to overcome a difficult situation in her family; her grandmother passed away last school year. Her grandmother was very involved in Harper’s school life, especially since she was an employee at our school. Being back in school this year has been challenging for Harper, but she has proven that she is going to make the most of a traumatic situation. She has not allowed her grief to interfere with her academics; rather, it has strengthened her ability to persevere. We are proud to have Harper Cathell as a part of our family at Hopewell Elementary, and congratulate her on being selected our STAR3 Student for September.

John Lawrence Elementary — Kenedi Palmer — 5th Grade

Kenedi Palmer has a sweet personality and simply is a joy to teach. There are many positive ways to describe her character, but some qualities that stand out are her kindness, politeness, and friendliness to her classmates and her courteousness to her teachers and other staff. She always has a happy disposition and her gentle, quiet smile lights up a room. Kenedi works hard and puts forth her best effort when met with a challenge. She demonstrates a willingness to learn and has a growth mindset in the classroom. John Lawrence Elementary School is proud to present Kenedi Palmer as our STAR3 Student for September.

New Market Elementary School — Benjamin Wallace — 4th Grade

Benjamin Wallace is an extremely hard—working young man. He is an affable student and works well with everyone. Benjamin is persistent in meeting classroom goals, is always cheerful, and always has a smile on his face. He is a super sweet child with much personality and truly is the definition of Bobcat Pride. New Market Elementary School is honored to select Benjamin Wallace for the STAR3 Student for September.

Randolph Early College High School — Lindsay Kanipe — 11th Grade

Randolph Early College High School is thrilled to name Lindsay Kanipe as our first STAR3 Student for the 2021—2022 school year. The nominating teacher described Lindsay as “a joy to teach” and “an amazing student who consistently excels academically by always putting forth maximum effort.” Lindsay is respectful of others and exhibits a great attitude each day, both in and out of the classroom. All of these qualities make us proud to call Lindsay Kanipe a Raven and our STAR3 Student for September.

Trindale Elementary School — Christian Reyes Vicente — 4th Grade

Christian Reyes Vicente completely embodies what it means to be a STAR3 Student, by always showing responsibility, doing the right thing, and being respectful to everyone with whom he interacts. Christian comes to school each day ready to learn. He works hard, uses his time wisely, and asks questions when he needs help. Christian always has whatever he needs and can be counted upon to do the right thing and set an example for others. He always listens in class and is ready for whatever activity comes next. Christian is respectful of his classmates and all school staff, is well—mannered, and is always willing to lend a helping hand. He notices the little things that need to be done and is always willing to help out and do them. Christian Reyes Vicente is truly a joy to teach, and Trindale Elementary School is excited to select him as our STAR3 Student for September.

Trinity Elementary School — Kenzie Sheffield — 4th Grade

Kenzie Sheffield comes to school every morning with a positive attitude and ready to learn. She is always polite to anyone with whom she interacts and does not hesitate to help out a classmate. Kenzie is trustworthy, dependable, and reliable. Trinity Elementary School is proud to recognize Kenzie Sheffield as our STAR3 Student for the month of September.

Trinity High School — Bo Gibson — 11th Grade

Bo Gibson exemplifies what it means to be “Trinity Strong.” He is punctual, hardworking, and courteous. A leader on and off the field, Bo is a multisport athlete who excels in the classroom and lifts up his community. He has been a positive role model at both Freshmen Orientation and Open House leading up to this school year. Prior to the COVID—19 pandemic, Bo was heavily involved in the Bulldog Buddies program, in which he mentored students at Archdale Elementary School. Bo is mature beyond his years, which is why he was invited to serve as a Bulldog Buddy when he was only a ninth grader. Congratulations to Bo Gibson on being selected Trinity High School’s STAR3 Student for September.

Trinity Middle School — Mario Malaga—Pliego — 8th Grade

Trinity Middle School is a beautiful new school, but like the others in our system, it is just a building. A school is made great by the people within it. Our first—ever STAR3 Student is a great representation of the kind of student every teacher wants in class and loves to teach. Mario Malaga—Pliego is respectful and hard—working, is friendly to his peers, and offers help and assistance to others when needed. He follows directions and is an outstanding role model in the classroom. We appreciate the qualities that Mario possesses in becoming a future leader among his peers and eagerly anticipate his many future successes. Mario Malaga—Pliego is a great example of what it means to “Work Hard, Work Smart, and Work Together,” and we are thrilled to have him represent Trinity Middle School as our first—ever STAR3 Student.

Wheatmore High School — Sarah Smith — 10th Grade

Sarah Smith has an infectious personality and a spirit of kindness. As an applicant to the Student LIFT program, Sarah has organized a kindergarten book drive for the elementary schools in the Archdale—Trinity area. Her planning, organizing, and willingness to partner with our schools are traits that are needed to build strong communities. In addition to being an outstanding student, Sarah is a member of Wheatmore’s lady tennis team and the Class of 2021—2022 Student LIFT program. Wheatmore High School is proud to recognize Sarah Smith as our STAR3 Student for September.

Wheatmore Middle School — Riley Holden — 8th Grade

From day one of school, Riley Holden has shared a positive outlook and worked hard. He is always on task and strives to do his best work. He is respectful to his teachers and his peers and is willing to work toward any challenge. Wheatmore Middle School is proud to honor Riley Holden as our STAR3 Student for September.

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