HUDSON: Defending life and our veterans


It’s the first unalienable right endowed by God listed in our Declaration of Independence. It’s something we celebrate on this Mother’s Day. And it’s also something I am committed to defending as a dad and your congressman.

Tragically, since Roe v Wade was decided by the Supreme Court in 1973, more than 63 million babies have been lost to abortion in America. Now, our United States Supreme Court is currently debating a case that could reform laws about life in our nation. Last week, a draft opinion from the Court regarding the case Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization was leaked to the public. This ongoing case will determine the constitutionality of a Mississippi law that would limit abortions — except in the case of emergencies — after 15 weeks of pregnancy. At 15 weeks a baby in the womb has a heartbeat, as well as fully formed arms, legs, fingers, and toes. A baby at 15 weeks responds to sounds, light and even sucks her thumb. She also feels pain. In fact, modern science has evolved to the point doctors can operate on a baby at this stage. And they provide her with medication for the pain.

Science and medicine have advanced a great deal since 1973. Many people who support abortion now realize there should be limits. In fact, the United States is one of only 6 nations in the world, including North Korea and China, who allow abortion right up until birth. We now know it is barbaric and cruel to dismember a baby that can feel that excruciating pain. 

That is why a Supreme Court ruling to overturn Roe v Wade is the right thing to do. The result would be that decisions about what limits should be placed on abortion are returned to the people to decide. The people through their representatives in Congress and state legislatures should make these decisions, not 7 unelected men as was the case in 1973.

I have been a vocal advocate for the rights of the unborn all my life. In Congress, I have stood up for life and am proud to have a 100% rating from the National Right to Life for my voting record. I am inspired by faith leaders and so many in our community who have helped lead this fight, like the Life Care Pregnancy Center in Carthage. Last week I visited the Center and congratulated them on 30 years of service to moms, babies, and families in our region. As the Supreme Court finalizes its ruling, I will continue praying for the unborn, as well as our Supreme Court Justices. I will also continue my fight to defend life and protect those who cannot protect themselves.

As Fort Bragg’s congressman and a voice for veterans, I am also continually focused on supporting those who have served our nation.

Our region is home to the fastest growing veteran population in the country. Yet I know too many veterans face bureaucratic obstacles getting the care they deserve from the VA. Breaking down these bureaucratic barriers is one of my top priorities and why I have fought for legislation including the VA MISSION ACT, the Care for the Veteran Caregiver Act, and the Care Veterans Deserve Act.

Our veterans kept their promise to defend our country. Now, we must keep our promise to take care of them. Unfortunately, the Biden administration has not lived up to that commitment.

Last week Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas confirmed plans to use VA resources, doctors, and nurses to help care for illegal migrants coming across our southern border. This is unacceptable and I immediately helped introduce the Veterans First Act to block this from happening.

Our southern border is in a crisis created by President Biden’s policies. His plan to repeal Title 42 protections at the border later this month will only make this problem worse. We expect up to 18,000 migrants to illegally enter per day according to Homeland Security. There is no question Title 42 must be maintained and our border must be secured – but not at the expense of our veterans.

Following the introduction of our bill, Secretary Mayorkas announced on Wednesday that the administration was dropping plans to divert VA resources. We stood up to this ridiculous plan and I’m glad we won.

Unfortunately, there is still much more to do to defend our veterans, secure our border, and protect life. As many of you celebrate Mother’s Day, know I am focused on these priorities on behalf of you and your family because there is too much at stake. Our nation is facing challenges, but we have faced hard times before and prevailed. I am confident we can do so again.

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